Day 76: Before & After Round 4

Only 2 weeks left before my 90 days is up! Time to post another round of Before & After (well, more like Before & During) Progess Photos! I didn’t measure this time and since my last weigh-in I’ve actually gained about a pound, back up to 127.5ish. The more I do this (and I think this is a common theme with people who workout to get fit instead of working out only to lose weight), the more I recognize how little my weight dictates the size or shape of my body.

I am feeling preeeetty good about these photos, people. For lots of reasons, not the least of which being that I am wearing my new highlighter-yellow shorts from prAna that I got at the Cherry Creek prAna store Grand Opening party where I met Steph Davis, pretty much one of the most amazing female climbers of all time. Plus she lives in Moab, which is amazing. I was there with TJ and his girlfriend Lindsay (side note: one of my favorite unintended side effects of CrossFit is getting to hang out with those 2 people) and we decided that instead of standing in line for what would have literally been over an hour, we would sit back by where Steph had been signing posters and wait for her to come over so we could chat with her. In the meantime, we decided to sign a poster of her… for her… from us. Seemed like the obvious thing to do.

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8 Responses to Day 76: Before & After Round 4

  1. You look awesome!! Good job girl!

  2. Look at that belly go! 🙂

    Awesome progress!

  3. Pingback: Day 79: Two for Two! | 90 Days of Crossfit

  4. Pingback: Day 79: Two for Two! | the ascent blog

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